Hey VAIOTeers! It’s Monday once again, and the VAIOT team is beyond excited for what this week will hold. But first, let’s have a look at everything that happened last week.
Last week:
VAIOT is working on the completion of the VAIOT Aggregator Platform BETA
The VAIOT Development team is continuously working throughout the week to finalize all the aspects needed for the VAIOT Aggregator Platform BETA. Furthermore, our partners at Flying Bisons are working hard on the interface design for launch. And of course, the rest of the team is working in preparation for the launch, getting the last aspects ready!
VAIOT prepared the VAIOT Beta Testing Program for the Aggregator Platform
We are thrilled to announce that VAIOT will be inviting the community to join us in the Beta Testing of the Aggregator Platform for Blockchain. We will shortly send out all information about this, but we can already tell you that there will be a 5000 $VAI price pool for the most active participants. So don’t miss this chance to help further develop the project and earn some $VAI doing it!
VAIOT joined the AMA of IM Community
On the 20th of September at 11 AM UTC, VAIOT’s Marketing Manager, Gisele joined the AMA of IM Community. First and foremost, we’d like to thank the community for their participation, lovely questions, and interest in the project. We loved joining, so until next time!
Current initiatives:
Now you might wonder, what will be happening this week? Well… first, we will be joining another AMA, so keep your eye out for that. But that is not all, we’re also working on the completion of the VAIOT Aggregator platform BETA… 👀👀
For more information about VAIOT, visit our website www.vaiot.ai, or have a look at our Twitter and Telegram Community.
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