Happy Monday VAIOTeers, it is the first day of a new month and we are kicking off an interesting week. But first, have a look at everything that went on at VAIOT last week.
Last week:
VAIOT’s Final Week of Beta Testing the AI Broker and Aggregator for Blockchain Platform 🙌
During the entire month of October, the VAIOT Beta Testers and developers worked hard on analyzing and pushing the AI Broker and Aggregator for Blockchain to its limit. Testing every possibility and option, enhancing the AI’s knowledge by feeding it more data and improving its overall conversation flow. Now, the final week of Beta Testing for the crypto protection platform has ended. This week, we will be announcing the winners of the $5000 $VAI and we will start sharing the findings and feedback given.
The VAIOT Marketing Team prepared and created the marketing efforts and events coming up this November
Naturally, a new month calls for new events, AMA’s, advertising, public relations, and general marketing efforts. And thus, the VAIOT Marketing Team has worked hard over the last week to set up as much as possible ahead of time, while striving to remain flexible in an ever-changing high paste blockchain environment. We are looking forward to sharing everything with our VAIOTeers.
VAIOT’s has updated its internal systems to optimize working conditions for the entire, remote VAIOT team
It was time for an internal upgrade of the administration and everyday use systems at VAIOT, thus last week we migrated to an updated version of Microsoft Office for all our internal storage and communication.
VAIOT is working hard on the migration to the Cosmos Ecosystem
With complete Mainnet migration to the Cosmos Ecosystem scheduled in Q4 this year, it must come as no surprise that the VAIOT development team is working to get everything to make this happen. We at VAIOT are all extremely excited about this migration and are looking forward to sharing more information with you over the course of the month.
Current initiatives:
The VAIOT development team is amid developing a secret AMA (Ask Me Anything) project
Did you say: “Secret Project?”! Oh yes, we did! While we are unable to share a lot about it right now (hence the secret) we can tell you that VAIOT is working on a special AMA project that will be shared with the world soon.
VAIOT’s Marketing Team is working on some dedicated events evolving around the Broker for Blockchain platform
We are excited to say that the VAIOT Marketing Team is working on some dedicated events for the VAIOT crypto protection platform (AI Broker and Aggregator), which will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
This week:
Another amazing VAIOT partnership is coming to you soon 👀
VAIOT offers a portfolio of blockchain-based AI Assistants for businesses and consumers to provide automated services and transactions. Faster, easier, and affordable.
For more information about VAIOT, visit our website www.vaiot.ai, or have a look at the Twitter and Telegram Community.
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